Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kicking it into high gear

I've decided to make a few changes to my training regimen to help improve my pace. I realized I never really picked it up during my race, and even when I tried, I didn't have much "get up and go." Because of this, I've decided to incorporate sprints into my training. Below you can see what a difference it made too. The bottom 2 miles were ran doing sprint/jog intervals. I split up the sprints during the mile, doing anywhere from 100-400M, trying to push myself further as I went. The second set of 2 miles were done at a slower jog than my race pace (they were done after my sprint-jog intervals, and I lifted legs the day before, so needless to say I was tired). Regardless, you can see what a difference it made. I shaved an entire minute off my time. My goal is to keep adding miles to the intervals, so I can have my "get up and go" during my race. Hoping to see some improvements soon! 

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