Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I'm tired. It's too cold outside. I'm still sore. I went hard yesterday, I have a late night. The gym is always too crowded. I deserve a day off.

All of it  just a load of crap. All of it just one more excuse you can think up in your head of why you aren't up already and on your way to go workout or run. If there's one thing I've learned during my training, it's that the mental battle is the hardest part. My body is indeed capable of doing the things I put it through, it's my mind that says otherwise. Forcing myself to commit to my training has made me a better person all around, not just physically. I am more confident, my work ethic is even better than it was before, and I'm just overall happier. When people tell me I'm crazy for wanting to run 13 miles, I just let them ramble, and then let it go in one ear and out the other. Had you asked me to run 13 miles 3 months ago, I would have indeed told you that you were crazy. But this marathon has taught me a lot and changed me for the better in a way I can't explain until you try it for yourself.

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