Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Super Bowl- an excuse to eat crap for many, a challenge for the rest of us

We mine as well name it a national holiday. Everyone watches, and everyone celebrates. Unfortunately more often than not, with celebration comes alot of alcohol, fried food, and processed crap. With my race being only 3 weeks away, I really didn't want to ruin all the hard work I've been doing to make sure I fuel my body properly. To keep the boys happy, I brought them their own "man food" snacks, but for myself? We stopped by Kroger to get some salmon burgers, I roasted chickpeas for a nice salty snack, and one of my fellow health junkies made quinoa buffalo bites (which were absolutely DELICIOUS btw, I'll have to get the recipe) It's still possible to enjoy super bowl sunday without stuffing your face with crap :) Sure, I love a cheat day more than anything, but we reserve Saturdays for eating out and indulging a little, so I compromised and still got "game time" food, just the healthier version. It's the little things that make a big difference down the road :)

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