Friday, February 27, 2015

post race recovery

The number one thing I've learned, and I'll say it over and over again, is listen to your body. I was definitely feeling that 13.1 miles the next day. What better way to relax than with a nice bubble and epsom salt bath. And let me just say, our new apartment has a wonderful tub. It's the perfect size for bubble baths! I let myself soak in all the steamy goodness and massaged out some of the soreness.
What better way to work out the lactic acid than by exercising it out! Yep, that's right, I headed back to the gym and got right back into workouts. I don't want to risk getting out of shape, so I headed to the Y and started with a warm up on the cycling bike. I did a mini workout like I do in my spinning classes, varying the intensity to get me moving and sweating. I took it easy on the lifting because I know my body is still healing and recovering. I did a light set of squats to get my legs moving, but I mostly focused on upper body and back, and of course a nice little core workout.

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