Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Finding the fine line of listening to your body and pushing through pain

Let's face it. Running 8-13 miles a day is indeed crazy, not to mention alot of stress on your body. That being said, there's times that you should call it quits for the day, and times you just need to tell yourself don't stop. I unfortunately am not good at this. My pain threshold is incredibly high, making that line extremely blurry for me, and it's all catching up to me. You're going to be sore, you're going to feel like your legs are lead, you're going to feel like your feet will just walk themselves right off of you, and you will hit a point that you feel like a turtle trudging through peanut butter. But you know what? as long as you don't stop moving, you don't let your body win.
Pain vs. injury... a long disputed concept. It's subjective, it's vague, but the difference is there. Unfortunately, I didn't do a very good job differentiating, and as my race quickly approaches, I've had to tone down my training instead of ramp it up. I just have to keep telling myself there's no point pushing through an injury if you don't make it to race day. I'm stubborn, which is extremely difficult to overcome and use my athletic trainer brain instead of my athlete brain. I've been taking extra steps to take care of my body, such as lowering my miles when need be, doing extra low impact cardio, especially swimming, doing full body workouts to keep myself strong, and foam rolling, stretching, and icing on the daily. All things I had told myself I would do the whole training process, but then life sort of happens. I can't make up for lost time, but you've got to start somewhere. Better late than never.

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